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Moderator: Eleina
Here is sharing all information of Tamera, Portugal. We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously. We do not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning.
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Online Education in Tamera baichuan posted 2022-8-8   3938views 0replies 2022-8-8 03:43

The Research of Healing of Love in Tamera: Free Sexuality and Partnership attach_img baichuan posted 2022-8-8   3773views 0replies 2022-8-8 03:35

Tamera Community in Portugal - by John D. Liu attach_img xidai posted 2017-12-14   10893views 0replies 2017-12-14 15:02

Autumn Celebration: Yes to the Future attach_img xidai posted 2017-9-29   4148views 0replies 2017-9-29 11:32

Tamera Horse Courses 2017 attach_img xidai posted 2017-9-11   3521views 0replies 2017-9-11 15:09

Online Course: Terra Nova: Global Revolution & Healing of Love attach_img xidai posted 2017-9-11   3866views 0replies 2017-9-11 15:04

Newsletter of Tamera, August 2017 attach_img tongxin posted 2017-8-25   3706views 0replies 2017-8-25 11:59


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