New Oasis for Life is an entirely new life model created by Lifechanyuan which has been in practice for approximately seven years. It was founded by the Guide of Lifechanyuan, Xuefeng and Chanyuan celestials. It is based on the profound values of Lifechanyuan, the core of which is described in “800 values for new era human beings”. Created in April, 2009, New Oasis for Life had set up three community branches and four farms which were scattered throughout Anning, Chuxiong, Lincang, and Lijiang in Yunnan Province, and Korla in Xinjiang Province, all in China. The whole area of our community was around 1200 Chinese acres altogether, with about 4,000 fruit trees and abundant fields where we grew fruits and vegetables by ourselves. We also raised chickens and ducks to supply eggs for the communities. New Oasis for LIfe is built upon the ideal of creating a happy, joyful, free, and blessed new life mode for everyone in a setting where harmonious relationships can flower everywhere between humans and the Greatest Creator, humans and nature, and among humans. This new lifestyle releases old bonds of all kinds of thoughts, values, and teachings which have prevented people from finding their real happiness. We have a complete and profound theory system which clearly answers all the questions about the source of the universe, life, LIFE, time and space, the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Sakyamuni, Lao Tzu, the secrets of consciousness, energy, structure, and more. Also, by analyzing the current production and life mode of human being, the system points out how can people find the best ways to attain happy, free, and blessed lives.The old lifestyle is outdated, it did not bring us true happiness, so we have chosen to create a new life mode which will solve all these problems like competition for energy, shortages of resources, serious destruction of the global environment, and the pain and suffering which people endure. The core crisis of human beings is the crisis of the soul. Lifechanyuan has created and spread our values for over ten years and has established a real homeland for the world in order to illustrate how it really works. Every Chanyuan celestial who has lived in our home has enjoyed the happiness and freedom it brought, people approached the experience of perfect human nature day by day, and our homeland was becoming more and more beautiful, harmonious, peaceful, and ordered. This was the beautiful sweet fruit reaped from the right belief seeds. We have full confidence that this new life mode will be accepted and spread throughout the world! Please visit us from: and if you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact us at Thank you and may the Greatest Creator bless you! New Oasis For Life |
Haha, I’ve got a helper now!>>
2024-09-10 13:38Papaver rhoeas: The Designated>>
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